The Supernaturals DVDs are now available

The Supernaturals DVDs are now available at Graham Bergroth Music. This product has had some delay in being released since the launch of the film in October 2013. The launch was a very big night which included screening of the film at Belgrave's Cameo Cinemas and a live show at the now closed down Ruby's Lounge. Ruby's Lounge was a room buzzing with celebration featuring an excellent night of entertainment from bands Silverstakes, Tom Tuena, Peter Carr, The Glenn Family Band, the Quickfix and the Supernaturals. 

The DVD itself shows the documentary following three weeks in the life of the band in which they release their first full scale album titled 'FOREVER' (available in Music and Merchandise an iTunes) and all of the drama the surrounded the launch.  

The film received a lot of positive reviews with many humorous and inspiring moments from these young blokes who dared to dream. It is strongly advised that you see this film asap. Buy a DVD today!
